The jackalope is a beast of legend, part majestic stag, part sleek hare. Little is known about his kind, but in the grove he is known as a protector of the woodlands. He runs silently down shadowed paths and his alert ears hear all who tread within his home. If he steps out of the background to greet you, the Jackalope's muscular form and serious gaze leave no doubt that you are met by a Prince of the forest, who passes judgement on all who enter. There is a glimmer in those dark eyes though, is there a softness behind his forbidding nature for those who take the time to know his depths?

19 products
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Made to Order Jackalope
Made to Order Jackalope
Made to Order Jackalope
Medium Jackalope 00-50 Medium Firmness
Medium Jackalope 00-50 Medium Firmness
Medium Jackalope 00-50 Medium Firmness
Small Jackalope 00-30 Soft Firmness
Small Jackalope 00-30 Soft Firmness
Small Jackalope 00-30 Soft Firmness
WHOOPS! Small Jackalope 00-20 Super-Soft Firmness
WHOOPS! Small Jackalope 00-20 Super-Soft Firmness
WHOOPS! Small Jackalope 00-20 Super-Soft Firmness
Small Jackalope 00-50 Medium Firmness
Small Jackalope 00-50 Medium Firmness
Small Jackalope 00-50 Medium Firmness
Medium Jackalope 00-50 Medium Firmness
Medium Jackalope 00-50 Medium Firmness
Medium Jackalope 00-50 Medium Firmness
Large Jackalope 00-30 Soft Firmness
Large Jackalope 00-30 Soft Firmness
Large Jackalope 00-30 Soft Firmness
Medium Jackalope 00-30 Soft Firmness
Medium Jackalope 00-30 Soft Firmness
Medium Jackalope 00-30 Soft Firmness
Small Jackalope 00-50 Medium Firmness
Small Jackalope 00-50 Medium Firmness
Small Jackalope 00-50 Medium Firmness
Small Jackalope 00-31 Soft Firmness
Small Jackalope 00-31 Soft Firmness
Small Jackalope 00-31 Soft Firmness
Large Jackalope 00-31 Soft Firmness
Large Jackalope 00-31 Soft Firmness
Large Jackalope 00-31 Soft Firmness
WHOOPS! Large Jackalope 00-31 Soft Firmness
WHOOPS! Large Jackalope 00-31 Soft Firmness
WHOOPS! Large Jackalope 00-31 Soft Firmness
WHOOPS! Large Jackalope Split Firmness
WHOOPS! Large Jackalope Split Firmness
WHOOPS! Large Jackalope Split Firmness
Sold out
WHOOPS! Medium Jackalope 00-31 Soft Firmness
WHOOPS! Medium Jackalope 00-31 Soft Firmness
WHOOPS! Medium Jackalope 00-31 Soft Firmness
Medium Jackalope 00-45 Medium Firmness
Medium Jackalope 00-45 Medium Firmness
Medium Jackalope 00-45 Medium Firmness
Large Jackalope 00-50 Medium Firmness
Large Jackalope 00-50 Medium Firmness
Large Jackalope 00-50 Medium Firmness
Small Jackalope 00-20 Super-Soft Firmness
Small Jackalope 00-20 Super-Soft Firmness
Small Jackalope 00-20 Super-Soft Firmness
Small Jackalope 00-20 Super-Soft Firmness
Small Jackalope 00-20 Super-Soft Firmness
Small Jackalope 00-20 Super-Soft Firmness
Small Jackalope 00-20 Super-Soft Firmness
Small Jackalope 00-20 Super-Soft Firmness
Small Jackalope 00-20 Super-Soft Firmness

This item is made of platinum cured silicone, cosmetic grade mica and silicone pigments. We use body safe materials and aim to provide toys that are easy to clean and have a long lifespan. These toys are novelties and are not medical devices.  We are not responsible for any injury that occurs from use.  Please use these toys responsibly and respect the limits of your body and the toy.


Due to the nature of these toys, all sales are final.  Please be sure to read our returns and cancellations policy and terms of service here before purchasing.  For information on the care and keeping of your toy check out our care sheet. The toy pictured is the one being purchased.